Friday, May 7, 2010

The Collapse of Communism

The reason why communism collapsed in Eastern Europe and and in the USSR is because of multiple reasons. One of them is that the people were opposed toMikhail Borbachecv becasue he wanted to send troops. Gorbachev also advised that the government should be open to the ideas of their people. Communist countries were also losing power. A revolution took place in Romania to overthroe the government. Basically people didn't like the way they were living. People also tore down theBerlin Wall because people in East Germany wanted reform. This allowed the unification of Germany. Eventually more people overthrew communist governments which led to the collapse of the Soviet Union. Then the USSR collapse at New Years of 1991. The western part of the world was surprised because they didn't expect communism to collapse because they saw it was spreading. Most of the world nations became capitalist nations.