Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Evolution VS Creation

If someone were to ask me if I believed in evolution or creation, it would be creation. Why? It's because I'm Roman Catholic, and creation is part of my belief. I have been a Roman Catholic since I was Baptised a baby. My parents are Roman Catholic too. Most of my friends are also Roman Catholic. Here are some other reasons why I believe in creation.

I believe in creation not just because God is God. It's because God has created everything we know, see, and cannot see in this world. He is the Creator and the very source of this world. God created the world in seven days. Scientists wouldn't believe that, but God can do anything. No matter what I always need to have faith in my religion. Science cannot explain ethics. God created animals the way He wanted to. So I am on the side of creation.

In my religion it says that God says "Let there be light." Who knows? Maybe that light could have been the Big Bang. So I partially believe part of evolution. Maybe God made animals back then that were meant to evolve to the animals of today. So basically I believe both sides, but I'm more on the side of creation since my God is the source of everything in this world.

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