Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Nationalism is when people decide not to be ruled by a monarchy. The poeple place there loyalty to the culture they are living by. Nationalism is a new thing of America. Years ago people never had there own flags. One example of me being nationalistic is by remembering and reciting the American pledge. I am nationalsitic by living the American way like eating burgurs, using dollars, and using jeans.

Itlay is a nation formed by nationalism. Before Italy became Italy it was first ruled by Austria. In the early and middle years of the 1800's Italians started to disobey the rule that they should be loyal to the king or ruler. Some revolts broke out, but some of them failed. A man named Cavour helped unite Italy. He won several battles, and he also helped nationalistic rebels win. He was able to drive Austrian forces away in order to take over territory. So Cavour was an important person in history for uniting Italy as a nation.

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