Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Treaty of Versailles ( Ended WW1 )

When the Treaty of Versailles was made, WW1 ended as a resut of the treaty. The Treaty of Versailles affected Germany on a huge scale! The rules were very harsh on Germany. One of the rules was that Germany had to pay all damaged of WW1. This made Germany have a bad econmy. Another rule was that all German collines outside of Germany had to be removed which made Germany lose a lot of land. Another rule was that Germany had to drasticaly reduce its military power. They had to make sure they din't have more than 100,000 men. They also banned the use of heavy artilery, tanks, or any other type of machines used for war. This made Germany embarrased and insecre about their military. While Germany was under the Treaty of Versailles, the Great Depression came. America was helping pay Germany pay for the reparations, but since America's econmy was also in bad shape Germany's economy greatly suffered. I think that the Treaty of Versailles was too harsh for Germany. The Treaty basically blamed Germany for everything that happened in the war. The people of Germany were so angry at the treaty that they wanted a leader who would bring Germany back into that shape. That man was Adolf Hitler. Hitlers words and books impressed the people of Germany. He explained why Germany had lost the word, and becuase of this Hitler was able to gain support and power. He told people that the only way for Germany to gain power is to only let the Aryans , true Germans, rule Germany. He blamed the Jews that Germany lost the war. Eventaully, Hitler became the dictator of Germany. After that Germany basically tries to conquer the world, which didn't work out well for them. If the Treaty of Versailles wasn't so harsh, Hitler would probably not rise to power becuase the German people wouldn't have anyone to look up to bring Germany back into good shape.

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