Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Film Lesson: "The Right Stuff"

The way the Soviet Union and the U.S.A. were competing against each other was who could reach furthur into space and he could break the sound barrier. This was called the "Space Race." The nation that was currently winning is the Soviet Union. Why. It is becuase the Soviet union had succesfully launched a satallite into space. Before that happened, the U.S.A. broke the sound barrier. Before the sound barrier was broken a man died becuase he tried to break the sound barrier. When the U.S.A. found out that the Soviet Union launched the first satallite into space, they tried to make rockets too that could be lauched into space having a man in it. The U.S.A was constently doing lauching experiment and failed a bunch of times. They finally lauched a succesful rocket into the air. They then launched another rocket into space that contained a chimpanzee. A weel later, the Soviet Union laucned a rocket into soace, but with a man inside it! This made the U.S.A. look bad.

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